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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (PST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)

Acadie - Montréal

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)

Adelaide Centre - London

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (MST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)

Airport & Queen - Brampton

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)

Alta Vista - Ottawa

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 06:00 (AST)


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November 2, 2023

Festive Pancakes!

Use pancake molds or cookie cutters to make a cheerful holiday breakfast


  • 1 cup (250 ml) all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. (30 ml) sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup (250 ml) milk
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) vanilla extract


  1. In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and sugar.
  2. In another bowl, mix the egg, milk and vanilla extract.
  3. Slowly add the liquid ingredients to the dry mixture.
  4. Whisk briskly until smooth.
  5. Grease the cookie cutters or pancake molds well to avoid sticking.
  6. Place molds or cutters into frying pan, and pour the mixture into them (about 5 mm or ¼ in. thick).
  7. Cook for about 2 minutes then turn, carefully ensuring that the pancake does not stick in the mold.
  8. Cook for another 2 minutes.
  9. Remove and serve with butter & real maple syrup, powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, fruit compotes, or however you enjoy your pancakes!