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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
ClosedCurrently closedOpens tomorrow at 07:00 (PST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)

Acadie - Montréal

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)

Adelaide Centre - London

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (MST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)

Airport & Queen - Brampton

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)

Alta Vista - Ottawa

Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (EST)


Cora Breakfast and Lunch
OpenCurrently openCloses at 15:00 (AST)


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Cora restaurants are hiring, be part of the team!
April 7, 2022

Sweet tips!

What better than a crêpe for an irresistible sweet treat? Here are some suggestions to make this classic even more fun to enjoy!

  • Try a chocolate-berry combo! Simply use some Cora Chocolate Crêpe Mix to make a scrumptious crêpe. Once the crêpe is cooked, spread blueberry jam on one half, top the jam with strawberries slices, fold the crêpe and you’re done. Serve on a plate and enjoy!


  • Want to make your meals more colourful? Use Cora Crêpe Mixes! Prepare a plate with one chocolate crêpe and one plain one, and then serve them with your favourite fruit and some good maple syrup.


  • Did you say triple chocolate? Here’s a super simple and sure-fire recipe! Use Cora Chocolate Crêpe Mix to make a delicious crêpe. Once the crêpe is cooked, spread chocolate spread on one half and sprinkle the spread with chocolate chips. Fold and you’re done. Serve on a plate. Bon appétit!


  • Don’t forget: All happiness starts with breakfast. So treat yourself! One crêpe is good, but two is even better.