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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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Cora Breakfast and Lunch
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April 7, 2020

My favourite breakfast

I am often asked what my favourite breakfast is.

Each time I reply without a second thought: The Spinach-cheddar crêpe

It’s just as delicious as the Ham-Swiss cheese crêpe, the Banana-chocolate or any other one on the menu.

Yet, Spinach-cheddar is still my number one, because of what it means for me.  

Let me explain.

One day, way back in 1987 when we were first starting out, my son interrupted me as I was chopping up fresh spinach and adding it to some crêpe batter. 

– “No, mom, you can’t do that.”

– “And why can’t I? I am going to make a big spinach crêpe and grate some good cheddar on top. It’s going to be delicious.”

– “No, mom, people don’t eat spinach for breakfast. It’ll be impossible to sell.”

– “Let’s see what happens,” I answered, as I continued mixing the spinach into the crêpe batter.

I spread it onto the hot griddle and let it cook, flipping after a few minutes.

Next, I grated a generous helping of aged cheddar on top, folded it and let it cook a little longer to allow the ingredients to happily mingle together. To serve this delicious flavour match-up, I chose my most attractive plate from my hodgepodge of dishes.    

That “impossible” crêpe is still today the most popular savoury crêpe in Canada. 

And that’s exactly why it is my favourite – because each time someone mentions it, I remember that when you apply a little creativity, nothing is impossible.


For all of you who got busy and made crêpes after my last message, go for it. Be bold and adventurous!

Add to your batter some small granola chunks, finely chopped kale, chia seeds, ground pistachios, toasted coconut, crispy bacon bits or any other ingredient that inspires you.

You might just become like me: a home apprentice who comes up with an unforgettable crêpe. Be sure to name it, and if you have time, take a picture of it. Of course, choosing a good cheese (preferably local) is key. Where I live, we like OKA, Le Pionnier and Le Mamirolle.

Psst... send me a photo of your delicious flavour match-up if you like. These days, I have all the time in the world!

